LIFO - Last In First Out
LIM - Lotus/Intel/Microsoft's Expanded Memory Manager (EMS)
LKA - Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
LKGC - Last Known Good Configuration
LOCK - LOgical Coprocessing Kernel
LOIC - Low Orbit Ion Cannon
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LPI - Logiciel Potentiellement Indésirable
LPS - Libre Prestation de Service
LPSI - Loi Pour la Sécurité Intérieure
LRU - Least-Recently Used
LSB/lsb - Least Significant Byte/bit
LSI - Large Scale Integration
LSO (01) - Local Shared Objects
LSO (02) - Lesotho (Lesotho)
LSQ - Loi sur la sécurité quotidienne
LTU - Lithuania (Lituanie)
LUCH - Cahul International Airport - LUCH
LUN - Logical Unit Number
LUX - Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
LVA - Latvia (Lettonie)
LVD - Low Voltage Differential
LVS - LVS Software AB
MAC - Macao (Macao)
MAF - French part Saint Martin (Saint-Martin - partie française)
MAMP - Mac-Apache-MySQL-PHP
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
MAPS - Mail Abuse Prevention System - Système de prévention des abus de messagerie
MAR - Morocco (Maroc)
MASINT - Measurement And Signatures INTelligence
MB/Mb - Mega Bytes/bits
MBAM - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
MBAR - Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit
MBR - Master Boot Record
MCA - Micro Channel Architecture
MCE - Media Center Edition
MCGA - Multi-Colour Graphics Array
MCH - Memory Controller Hub
MCM - Multi-Chip Module
MCO - Monaco (Monaco)
MD5 - Message Digest 5
MDA - Moldova (the Republic of) (Moldova, République de)
MDC - Memory Data Component
MDC (02) - Mapped Diagnostic Context
MDCT - Modified Discrete Cosine Transform
MDG - Madagascar (Madagascar)
MDGPS - (Maritime Differential GPS - GPS différentiel maritime) : USA
MDI - Multiple Document Interface
MDPA - Mines De Potasse d'Alsace
MDRAM - Multi-bank RAM
MDV - Maldives (Maldives)
ME - Mobile Equipment
MEC - Memory Expansion Cards
MEO (01) - Medium-Earth Orbit
MEO (02) - Medical Education Online
MEO (03) - Marine Engineer Officer
MEOSAR - Cospas-Sarsat et MEOSAR
MEX - Mexico (Mexique)
MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication
MFLOPS - Millions of FLOating Point Operations per Second (MegaFlops)
MFM - Modified Frequency Modulated
MFT - Master File Table
MHL - Marshall Islands (Îles Marshall)
MHz - MegaHertz
MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIDI - Musical Instrument Data Interface
MILNET - Military Network
MIMD - Multiple-Instruction Multiple-Data
MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIPS - Millions of Instructions per Second
MISD - Multiple-Instruction Single Data
Misty1 - Mitsubishi Improved Security Technology 1
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MITM - Man-In-The-Middle
MKD - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine)
MKS - System of units based on the three mechanical units metre, kilogram, and second
MKSA - Four-dimensional system of units based on the metre, kilogram, second, and the ampere
MLI - Mali (Mali)
MLM - Multi-Level Marketing
MLT - Malta (Malte)
MMA - Mobile Marketing Association France
MMC - Microsoft Management Console
MMF - Make Money Fast
MMR - Myanmar (Myanmar)
MMS - Multimedia Messaging Service
MMU - Memory Management Unit
MMX - Multi-Media Extensions
MNE - Montenegro (Monténégro)
MNG - Mongolia (Mongolie)
MNP (01) - Microcom Network Protocol
MNP (02) - Northern Mariana Islands (Iles Mariannes du Nord)
MO - Mégaoctet
MODEM - MOdulateur - DÉModulateur
MOOC - Massive Open Online Course
MOPS - Millions of Operations Per Second
MOS - Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
MOZ - Mozambique (Mozambique)
MP - Multi-Processor
MP (02) - Message Privé
MP3 - MPEG-1 audio layer 3
MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group
MPL - Mozilla Public License
MPP - Massively Parallel Processor
MPS - Multi-Processor System
MPT - Memory Protocol Translator
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRO - Maintenance, Repair & Operations
MRT - Mauritania (Mauritanie)
MRU - Most Recently Used
MS MVP - MicroSoft Most Valuable Professional
MSA - Microsoft Security Advisory
MSAS - Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System) : JAPO
MSB/msb - Most Significant Byte/bit
MSDOS - MicroSoft's Disk Operating System
MSFTEU - Maximum Surprise For The End User
MSI (01) - MicroSoft Installer
MSI (02) - Medium Scale Integration
MSP - Managed Service Provider
MSR (01) - Model Specific Register
MSR (02) - Montserrat (Montserrat)
MSRC - Microsoft Security Response Center
MSRT - Malicious Software Removal Tool
MSSP - Managed Security Services Provider (Fournisseurs de services managés de sécurité)
MTA - Mail Transfer Agent
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure
MTH - Memory Translator Hub
MTP - Mesures Techniques de Protection
MTQ - Martinique (Martinique)
MTSAT - Multifunctional Transport Satellites
MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit
MUI - Multilingual User Interface
MUS - Mauritius (Maurice)
MWI - Malawi (Malawi)
MYS - Malaysia (Malaisie)
MYT - Mayotte (Mayotte)
N-SIS - Partie Nationale du Système d'Information Schengen
N/C - No-Connect
NAI - Network Advertising Initiative
NAM - Namibia (Namibie)
NAP - Network Access Protection
NAS (01) - Network-Attached Storage
NAS (02) - Network Access Server
NAS (03) - Numéro d'Assurance Sociale
NATU - Netflix Airbnb Tesla Uber
Navstar GPS - Système global de positionnement donnant accès à la vitesse et la position d'un mobile GPS (terme abandonné, remplacé par GPS)
NBS - National Bureau of Standards
NCL - New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
NCMEC - National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NDC - Nested Diagnostic Context
NDGPS - (Nationwide DGPS) : USA
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NER - Niger (the) (Niger)
NFK - Norfolk Island (Île Norfolk)
NFS - Network File System
NFU - Not-Frequently Used
NGA - Nigeria (Nigéria)
NGAV - Next generation antivirus (Antivirus de nouvelle génération)
NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
NGWS - Next Generation Windows Services
NIC (01) - Network Interface Card
NIC (02) - Numéro Interne de Classement
NIC (03) - Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
NIDS - Network Intrusion Detection Systems
NIN - Numéro d'Identification National
NIR - Numéro d'Inscription au Répertoire
NIRPP - Numéro d'Inscription au Répertoire des Personnes Physiques
NIS - Network and Information Systems
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIU - Niue (Niue)
NJABL - Not Just Another Bogus List (Pas seulement une autre liste bidon)
NLD - Netherlands (the) (Pays-Bas)
NMI - Non-Maskable Interrupt
NMOS - Negatively doped Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
NMS - Network Management Systems
NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol
NNTR - No Need To Reply
NOP - No OPeration
NOR - Norway (Norvège)
NP - No Problem. Really
NPAPI - Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface
NPL - Nepal (Népal)
NRA - National Rifle Association
NRU (01) - Not-Recently Used
NRU (02) - Nauru (Nauru)
NSA - National Security Agency
NSF - National Science Foundation
NSW - Norton Safe Web
NTFS - New Technology File System
NTLDR - Amorce du chargeur des systèmes d'exploitation Windows NT : 2003, XP, 2000, NT 4.0, NT 3.x
NUC - Next Unit of Computing
NUCINT - NUClear INTelligence
NVMe - Non-Volatile Memory PCI express
NVRAM - NonVolatile Random Access Memory
NZL - New Zealand (Nouvelle-Zélande)
OAP - Outside Awareness Panel (aka window)
OB - OutBound
OBD - On-Board Diagnostics
OCG - Organised Crime Group
OCLCTIC - Office Central de Lutte contre la Criminalité liée aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
OCSP - Online Certificate Status Protocol
ODI - Open Datalink Interface
ODP - Open Directory Project
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OES - Operators of Essential Services
OGL - Outils Gratuits en Ligne
OIEA - Office of Investor Education and Advocacy
OIML - Organisation internationale de métrologie légale/International Organization of Legal Metrology
OIV - Opérateurs d’Importance Vitale
OLE - Object Linking and Embedding
OLOCA - Official List of Cygwin Acronyms
OMN - Oman (Oman)
OMPI - Organisation Mondiale des Nations Unies pour la Propriété Intellectuelle
ONG - Organisation Non Gouvernementale
ONGI - Organisation Non Gouvernementale Internationale
ONU - Organisation des Nations Unies
OOBE - Out-Of-Box Experience
OOTB - Out Of The Box
OP - Original Poster
OPTINT - OPtical INTelligence
OQLF - Office Québécois de la Langue Française
OQTF - Obligation de Quitter le Territoire Français
ORIAS - Organisme pour le Registre unique des Intermédiaires en ASsurance, banque et finance
ORSG - Organe Régional de Style GAFI
OS (01) - Operating System
OS (02) - Logiciel dont le code source est public ou œuvre de l'esprit sans copyright
OSCA - Only Specifically Cygwin-list Acronyms
OSF - Open Software Foundation
OSI - Open Systems Interconnect
OSINT - Open-Source INTelligence
OSP - Online Service Providers
OSVDB - Open Source Vulnerability Database
OT - Off-Topic
OTAN - Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord
OTD - Division des opérations technologiques du FBI
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTP - One-Time-Programmable Memory
P2P - Peer to Peer ou People to People
PAAS - Platform As A Service
PAC - PCI AGP Controller
PAK - Pakistan (Pakistan)
PAL - Processor Abstraction Layer
PAL/PLA - Programmable Array Logic / Logic Array
PAM - Privileged Account Management
PAN - Panama (Panama)
PASP - Prévention des Atteintes à la Sécurité Publique
PB - Push Button
PBX - Private Branch Exchange
PC - Personal Computer, Program Counter
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCM - Pulse Code Modulation
PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCN - Pitcairn (Pitcairn)
PCYMTNQREAIYR - Please Configure Your Mailer To Not Quote Raw E-mail Addresses In Your Replies
PCYMTWLL - Please Configure Your Mailer To Wrap Long Lines
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PDF - Portable Document Format
PDP - Potentially Dangerous Programs
PDS - Potentially Dangerous Softwares
PE - Processor Element
PEBCAK - Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
PELCEC - Le Problème existe Entre La Chaise Et le Clavier
PER - Peru (Pérou)
PERGAME - Plateforme d'Exploitation et de Recueil des Géolocalisations Appliquées à des Mobiles en Émission
PFC - Power Factor Correction
PFF - Page Fault Frequency
PGA - Patches Gratefully Accepted
PGA (01) - Professional Graphics Array
PGA (02) - Pin Grid Array
PGML - Precision Graphics Markup Language
PHAROS - Plateforme d'Harmonisation, d'Analyse, de Recoupement et d'Orientation des Signalements
PHL - Philippines (the) (Philippines)
PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PIC - Programmable Interrupt Controller
PIE - Pistolet à impulsion électrique
PII - Personally Identifiable Information
PIO - Programmed Input / Output - Entrée / Sortie Programmée
PIROM - Processor Information ROM
PITA - Pacific Island Telecommunication Association
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
PLC - Plan de Libéralisation du Commerce
PLCC - Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
PLL - Phase Locked Loop
PLW - Palau (Palaos)
PM - Preventive Maintenance
PME (01) - Power Management Event
PME (02) - Petite et Moyenne Entreprise
PMI - Pardon My Ignorance
PMOS - Positively doped Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
PNG (01) - Portable Network Graphic
PNG (02) - Papua New Guinea (Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée)
PnP - Plug-and-Play
PO (01) - Posteur Originel
PO (02) - Petaoctet
POC - Proof Of Concept
POL (01) - Plain Outta Luck
POL (02) - Poland (Pologne)
PoLA - Principle of Least Astonishment
PoLS - Principle of Least Surprise
POO - Programmation Orientée Objet
POP - Post Office Protocol
PoS - Point of Sale
POST - Power-On Self-Test
PPAPI - Peper Plugin Application Programming Interface
PPD - Programmes Potentiellement Dangereux
PPIOSPE - Please Post Instead Of Sending Private Email
PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol
PQFP - Plastic Quad Flat Pack
PRI - Puerto Rico (Porto Rico)
PRK - Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory
PRT - Portugal (Portugal)
PRY - Paraguay (Paraguay)
PSD - Payment Services Directive
PSE - Palestine, State of (Palestine, État de)
PSIPC - PCI Super I/O Integrated Peripheral Controller
PSL - Public Suffix List
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
PTC - Patches Thoughtfully Considered
PTE - Page Table Entry
PTI - Public Technical Identifiers
PTUIYEBHS - Please Test URLs In Your Email Before Hitting Send
PUM - Potentially Unwanted system Modifications
PUP - Potentially Unwanted Program
PVCIPM - Procès-Verbaux of the Comité international des poids et mesures
PwC -
PXB - PCI eXpansion Bridge
PXE - Pre-Boot eXecution Environment
PYF - French Polynesia (Polynésie française)
QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QAT - Qatar (Qatar)
QFP - Quad Flat Pack
QIC - Quarter Inch Cartridge
QO - Quettaoctet
QOS - Qualité Of Service (Qualité du service)
QPC - Question Prioritaire de Constitutionnalité
QZSS - Quasi-Zenith Satellite System - Système satellitaire quasi zénithal : JAPON
RADINT - RAdar INTelligence
RAID - Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital to Analogue Converter
RAMP - Russian Anonymous Marketplace
RAPACE - Répetoire Automatisé Pour l’Analyse des Contrefaçons de l’Euro
RAS - Row Address Strobe
RAT (01) - Remote Access Trojan
RAT (02) - Remote Administration Tool
RBL - Realtime Blackhole List (ou Realtime Block List)
RC - Release Candidate
RC4 - Rivest Cipher 4
RC5 - Rivest Cipher 5
RC5P - Rivest Cipher 5P
RC6 - Rivest Cipher 6
RCA - Radio Corporation of America
RCC - Routing Control Centre
RCS - Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés
RDBMS - Relational DataBase Management System
RDC - Réseau de Diffusion de Contenu
RDF - Resource Description Framework
RDP - Remote Desktop Protocols
RDV - RenDez-Vous
REU - Réunion (Réunion)
RF -
RFC - Request For Comments
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RFID - Radio Frequency IDentification
RFU - Request For Upload
RG - Renseignements Généraux
RGPD - Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données
RHSA - RedHat Security Advisory
RI - Ring Indicator
RIG - EK RIG Exploit Kit
RIMM - Rambus Inline Memory Module
RIO - Relevé d'Identité Opérateur
RIOT - Rapid Information Overlay Technology
RIR - Registres Internet Régionaux
RISC - Reduced Instruction-Set Computer
RLL - Run Length Limited
RM - Répertoire des Métiers
RMA - Retour MArchandise
RMM - Remote monitoring and management
RMS - Root Mean Squared
RMW - Read Modify Write
RNIPP - Répertoire National d'Identification des Personnes Physiques
RO - Ronnaoctet
ROM - Read Only Memory
ROP - Return Oriented Programming
ROU - Romania (Roumanie)
RPC - Remote Procedure Call
RPM - Rotations Per Minute
RPV - Réseau Privé Virtuel
RSAC - Registre Spécial des Agents Commerciaux
RSN - Real Soon Now
RSS (01) - Rich Site Summary
RSS (02) - Really Simple Syndication
RSS (03) - Received Signal Strength
RSSI - Responsable de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information
RTB - Real Time Bidding
RTC - Real Time Clock
RTFM - Read The Manual
RTM - Release To Manufacturing
RTS - Request To Send
RUS - Russian Federation (Fédération de Russie)
RWA - Rwanda (Rwanda)
S.M.A.R.T. - Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology
SA -
SaaS - Software as a Service
SACEM - Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique
SAL - System Abstraction Layer
SALVAC - Système d'Analyse des Liens de la Violence Associée aux Crimes
SAM - Sequential Access Memory
SAPAS - Safety, Accessibility, Privacy, Authenticity, Security
SAR - Search and rescue (Recherche et sauvetage)
SARL - Société à responsabilité limitée
SASI - Shugart Associates Standard Interface
SAT - Secure Ada Target
SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SAU - Saudi Arabia (Arabie saoudite)
SBS - Small Business Server
SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SCC - Secure Computing Corporation
SCI - Special Circumstance Instructions
SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist
SCPP - Société Civile des Producteurs Phonographiques
SCPPB - Fichier du Service central de préservation des prélèvements biologiques
SCRT - Service Central du Renseignement Territorial
SCSI - Small Computer Systems Interface - Interface pour petits systèmes informatiques
SCTC - Secure Computing Technology Center
SD - Single Density
SDCM - SDCM (System for Differential Corrections and Monitoring) : RUSSIE
SDIG - Sous-Direction de l'Information Générale
SDK - Software Development Kit
SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control
SDLC (02) - Sous-Direction de Lutte contre la Cybercriminalité
SDN - Sudan (the) (Soudan)
SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic RAM
SDRAM BDDR II - Bi-Directional Strobed DDR SDRAM
SDRAM DDR II - Double Data Rate SDRAM
SDRF - Fichier de suivi des titres de circulation délivrés aux personnes sans domicile ni résidence fixe
SDRM - Société pour l’administration du Droit de Reproduction Mécanique
SE (01) - Systems Engineer
SE (02) - Système d'Exploitation
SEC - Single Edge Contact
SEC (02) - Securities and Exchange Commission
SECC - Single Edge Contact Cartridge
SEES - Section d'Éducation et d'Enseignement Spécialisé
SEH (01) - Structured Exception Handling
SEH (02) - Structured Encryption Handling
SEIM - Security Event Information Management
SEM - Security Event Management
SEN (01) - Senegal (Sénégal)
SEN (02) - Serbia (Serbie)
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation
SEPA - Single Euro Payments Area
SERP - Search Engine Results Page
SETI - Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
SFC - System File Checker
SFF - Small Form Factor
SFR - Société Française du Radiotéléphone
SGBD - Système de Gestion de Bases de Données
SGBDR - Système de Gestion de Bases de Données Relationnelle
SGEM - Self-Generated Explicit Material
SGP - Singapore (Singapour)
SGP (02) - Syndicat général de la police
SGRAM - Synchronous Graphics RAM
SGS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
SHA-0 - Secure Hash Algorithm - 0
SHA-1 - Secure Hash Algorithm - 1
SHN - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha)
SHTDI - Somebody Has To Do It
SI - Système d'Information
SIE - Service des Impôts des Entreprises
SIEM - Security Information and Event Management
SIENA - Secure Information Exchange Network Application
SILL - Socle Interministériel de Logiciels Libres
SIM - Security Information Management
SIMD - Single-Instruction Multiple-Data
SIMM - Single Inline Memory Module
SIPP - Single Inline Pinned Package
SIREN - Système d'Identification du Répertoire des ENtreprises
SIRENE - Système national d'Identification et du Répertoire des ENtreprises et de leurs Établissements
SIRET - Système d'Identification du Répertoire des ÉTablissements
SIS-Schengen - Système d'Information Schengen
SISD - Single-Instruction Single-Data
SISRE - À propos du système mondial de navigation par satellite.
SJM - Svalbard and Jan Mayen (Svalbard et l'Île Jan Mayen)
SLB - Solomon Islands (Îles Salomon)
SLE - Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone)
SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol
SLV - El Salvador (El Salvador)
SMB (01) - Small and Medium-sized Business
SMB (02) - Server Message Block
SMBUS - System Management Bus
SMD - Surface Mount Device
SME - Subject Matter Expert
SMI - System Management Interrupt
SMP - Symmetric Multi-Processing
SMR - San Marino (Saint-Marin)
SMS - Short Message Service
SMT (01) - Surface Mount Technology
SMT (02) - Symmetric Multi-Threading
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNA - System Network Architecture
SNCD - Syndicat National de la Communication Directe
SNIP - Syndicat National Indépendant de la Police
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
SNOP - Syndicat National des Officiers de Police
SNPT - Syndicat National des Policiers en Tenue
SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio
SO/SOL - Small Out Line
SoC - System-on-Chip
SOIC - Small Outline Integrated Circuit
SoL -
SOM - Somalia (Somalie)
SP - Service Pack
SPA - Sanitas Per Aquam
SPC - Signaux Parasites Compromettants
SPDIF - Serial Data Interface
SPF - Santé Publique France
SPLR - Souligné par la rédaction
SPM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)
SPOOL - Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line - Opérations Simultanées pour Périphériques en Ligne
SPPF - Société civile des Producteurs de Phonogrammes en France
SPT - Sectors Per Track
SPU - Single Processor Unit
SQL - Structured Query Language
SRAF - Systèmes de Remise Alternative de Fonds
SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
SS - Single Sided
SSD - South Sudan (Soudan du Sud)
SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
SSE2 - Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
SSID - Service Set Identifier
SSL - Secure Sockets Layer
SSP - Supply-Side Platform
STAD - Système de Traitement Automatisé de Données
STAS - Special Technologies and Applications Section
STC - Simple Test Case
STDM - Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
STFW - Search The Web
STIC - Système de Traitement des Infractions Constatées
STMG - Sciences et Technologies du Management et de la Gestion
STN - Super Twisted Nematic
STOA - Scientific and Technological Option Assesment
STP - Sao Tome and Principe (Sao Tomé-et-Principe)
STR - Suspend To RAM
STS - Section de Technicien Supérieur
STU - Streaming Tape Unit
STUC - Système de Traitement Uniformisé de la Cocaïne
STUPF - Système de Traitement Uniformisé des Produits Stupéfiants
STUPS - Système de Traitement Uniformisé des Produits Stupéfiants
SUN - Soviet Union - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - Union Soviétique - Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques (URSS)
SUNAMCO - Commission for Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (IUPAP)
SUR - Suriname (Suriname)
SUV - Sport Utility Vehicle
SV - El Salvador
SVA - Service à Valeur Ajoutée
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array
SVI - Serveur Vocal Interactif
SVK - Slovakia (Slovaquie)
SVM - Support Vector Machine
SVN - Slovenia (Slovénie)
SVoD - Subscription Video on Demand
SWAT - Special Weapons And Tactics
SWE - Sweden (Suède)
SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
SWZ - Swaziland (Swaziland)
SXM - Sint Maarten Dutch part (Partie néerlandaise de Saint-Martin)
SYC - Seychelles (Seychelles)
SYR - Syrian Arab Republic (République arabe syrienne ou Syrie)
T&Cs - Terms & Conditions
TAI - Temps atomique international/International Atomic Time
TAI (01) - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux
TAJ - Traitement des Antécédents Judiciaires
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TAO - Tailored Access Operations
TBB - Tor Browser Bundle
TCA - Turks and Caicos Islands (Iles Turks-et-Caïcos)
TCD - Chad (Tchad)
TCF - Transparency & Consent Framework
TCG - Temps-coordonnée géocentrique/Geocentric Coordinated Time
TCK - Technology Compatibility Kit
TCM - Trellis Code Modulation
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TCSEC - Trusted Computer Systems Evaluation Criteria
TDES - Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple DES - 3DES - 3 DES - TDES)
TDM - Time Division Multiplexing
Telco - Telephone company
TEMPEST (01) - Transient Electro Magnetic Pulse Emanation Surveillance Technology
TEMPEST (02) - Total Electronic and Mechanical Protection against Emission of Spurious Transient
TEMPEST (03) - Transient ElectroMagnetic Pulse Emanations STandard
TEMPEST (04) - Suppression des signaux inTEMPESTifs
TEMPEST (05) - TEMPorary Emanations and Spurious Transmission
TEMPEST (06) - Telecommunications Electronic Material Protected from Emanating Spurious Transmissions
TFA - Two-Factor Authentication
TFIDF - Term-Frequency Inverse-Document Frequency
TGO - Togo (Togo)
TH - Trinity House: England & Wales, Channel Islands and Gibraltar
Th - Thorium - Élément chimique nucléaire
THA - Thailand (Thaïlande)
TI - Texas Instruments
TIA (01) - Total Information Awareness
TIA (02) - Telecomm. Industry Association
TIC - Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
TIPP - Taxe Intérieure sur les Produits Pétroliers
TITTL - Throw It To The Lions
TITTTL - Take It To The Talk List
TJK - Tajikistan (Tadjikistan)
TKL - Tokelau (Tokelau)
TKM - Turkmenistan (Turkménistan)
TLA - Three Letter Acronym
TLB - Translation-Lookaside Buffer
TLD - Top Level Domain
TLF - Trésor de la Langue Française
TLFI - Trésor de la Langue Française Informatisé
TLS (01) - Transport Layer Security
TLS (02) - Timor-Leste (Timor oriental)
TLSA - Transport Layer Security Authentication
TMG - Trident Media Guard
TMI - Too Much Information
TMTOWTDI - There's More Than One Way To Do It
TO - Teraoctet
TOFU - Text Over, Full-quote Under
TON - Tonga (Tonga)
Tor - The Onion Router
TOU - Terms Of Use (clauses contractuelles)
TPE (01) - Travaux Personnels Encadrés
TPE (02) - Très Petite Entreprise
TPE (03) - Terminal de Paiement Électronique
TPE (04) - Tableau Périodique des Éléments
TPE (05) - Traitement Post-Exposition
TPE (06) - TermoPlastic Elastomer (Élastomère thermoplastique)
TPE (07) - Travaux Publics de l’État
TPE (08) - Tribunal Pour Enfants
TPE (09) - Tablier à Poutrelles Enrobées
TPE (10) - TPE - Code pour Taïwan (République de Chine)
TPE (11) - TPE - Code pour l'aéroport international Taiwan-Taoyuan
TPE (12) - TPE - Code pour l'escudo
TPI - Tracks Per Inch
TPIBA - The Problem is Being Addressed
TPL - Tracking Protection Lists
TPP - Third Party Provider
TREIMA - Thésaurus de Recherche Electronique d'Imagerie en Matière Artistique
Triple DES - Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple DES - 3DES - 3 DES - TDES)
TSR - Terminate and Stay Resident
TT - Terrestrial Time
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic
TTO - Trinidad and Tobago (Trinité-et-Tobago)
TTP - Techniques, Tactiques et Procédures
TTPS - Techniques, Tactiques et Procédures
TTTT - To Tell The Truth
TUN - Tunisia (Tunisie)
TUR - Turkey (Turquie)
TUV (01) - Technischer Ueberwachuags Verein (German)
TUV (02) - Tuvalu (Tuvalu)
TVA - TVA intracommunautaire
TVA intracommunautaire - TVA intracommunautaire
TWN - Taiwan - Province of China (Taïwan - Province de Chine)
TZA - Tanzania, United Republic of (Tanzanie, République-Unie de)
U-M - University of Michigan
U2F - Universal 2nd Factor
UAC - User Account Control
UAE - Unrecoverable Application Erreur
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UCLAT - Unité de Coordination de la Lutte Anti-Terroriste
UDA - Union Des Annonceurs
UDP - User Datagram Protocol
UDRP - Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy
UEFI - Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
UEMOA - Union Économique et Monétaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest
UFMD - Union Française du Marketing Direct
UG - User's Guide
UGA - Uganda (Ouganda)
UKR - Ukraine (Ukraine)
UKUSA - United Kingdom - United States of America
UMB - Upper Memory Block
UMI - United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) (Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis)
UMP - Union pour un Mouvement Populaire
UMR - Unité Mixte de Recherche
UNC - Universal Naming Convention (Convention de dénomination universelle)
UPAO - User Protection Always On
UPS - Un-interruptible Power Supply
URINT - Unintentional Radiation INTelligence
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
URLBL - Uniform Resource Locator Block List - Liste de blocage de localisateurs uniformes de ressource (liste de blocage d’adresses Web)
URSSAF - Unions de Recouvrement des cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales
URY - Uruguay (Uruguay)
USA - United States of America (the) (États-Unis d'Amérique)
USB - Universal Serial Bus
USC - Université de Californie du Sud
USCG - Garde côtière des États-Unis
USL - UNIX System Labs
USP - USeless Program
USPTO - US Patent and Trademark Office
UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
UTM - Unified Threat Management
UUCP - UNIX to UNIX Copy Program
UVPROM - Ultra Violet Programmable Read Only Memory
UWS - Unwanted Software
UZB - Uzbekistan (Ouzbékistan)
VaD - Vente à Distance
VAT (01) - Holy See (the) (Saint-Siège)
VAT (02) - Vatican (Vatican)
VBA - Visual Basic for Applications
VBE - Video BIOS Extensions
VBR - Volume Boot Records
VBScript - Visual Basic Script
VCM - Version Configuration Management
VCR - Video Cassette Recorder
VCT - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines)
VDI - Vendeur à Domicile Indépendant
VDSL - Very high bitrate Digital Subscriber Line
VEN - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (République bolivarienne du Venezuela)
VESA - Video Enhanced Standards Association
VGA - Video Graphics Array
VGB (01) - British Virgin Islands (Îles Vierges Britanniques)
VGB (02) - Virgin Islands - British (Îles Vierges britanniques)
VID - Voltage ID
VIR (01) - United States Virgin Islands (Îles Vierges des États-Unis)
VIR (02) - Virgin Islands U.S. (Îles Vierges des États-Unis)
VLB - VESA Local Bus
VLF (01) - In terms of frequency (sound): Very low frequency
VLF (02) - In terms of occurrence: very rare cases
VLIW - Very Long Instruction Word
VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration
VM - Virtual Memory
VME - Versa Module Euro-card
VML - Vector Markup Language
VNM - Viet Nam (Viet Nam)
VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN - Virtual Private Network
VPS - Virtual Private Server
VRAM - Video Random Access Memory
VRP - Voyageur Représentant Placier
VRT - Voltage Reduction Technology
VSL - Véhicule Sanitaire Léger
VSMOW - Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water
VTR - Video Tape Recorder
VUT - Vanuatu (Vanuatu)
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
WAAS - Wide Area Augmentation System - Système d'augmentation de zone étendue
WADGPS - Wide Area Differential Global Positioning System - Système de positionnement global différentiel à zone étendue
WADR - With All Due Respect
WAG - Wild-Assed Guess
WAMP - Windows-Apache-MySQL-PHP
WAN - Wide Area Network
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
WAR - Wireless Access Research
WATS - Wide Area Telephone Service
WAV - WAVeform Audio File Format
WAVE - WAVEform Audio File Format
WCG - World Community Grid
WCM - Web Content Management
WCMS - Web Content Management
WCTS - Without Consulting The Source
WD - Western Digital
WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy
WFM - Works For Me
WFP - World Food Programme
WGA - Windows Genuine Advantage
WHATWG - Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
WHO - World Health Organization
Wi-Fi - Wireless Fidelity
WIBGI - Wouldn't It Be Great If...
Windows - Windows
WinSxS - Windows Side by Side
WIP - Work in Progress (Travail en cours)
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
WJFFM - Works Just Fine For Me
WJM - We're Just Mean
WLF - Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)
WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation
WOL - Wake-up On LAN
WORM - Write Once - Read-Many
WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access
WPF - Windows Presentation Foundation
WQHD - Wide Quad High Definition
WRAM - Window Random Access Memory
WRC - World Rally Championship (championnat du monde des rallyes)
WRP - Windows Resource Protection
WS - Wait State
WSA - WordPress Security Advisory
WSH - Windows Scripting Host
WSJ - The Wall Street Journal
WSM - Samoa (Samoa)
WTF - Who or What
WWW - World Wide Web
WXB - Wide eXpansion Bridge
WYGIWYS - What You Get Is What You See
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
WYSIWYS - What You See Is What You Sign
WYSIWYW - What You See Is What You Want
Xbox - DirectX box
XCP - Extended Copy Protection
XDR - eXternal Data Representation (Représentation externe des données)
XGA - eXtended Graphics Array
XML - Extensible Markup Language (Langage de balisage extensible)
XMS - Extended Memory Specification
XOR - Exclusive-OR
XT - eXtended Technology
YA - Yet Another or Yet Again
YAMWHTLT - Yet Another Maintainer Who Has Too Little Time
YANALATEYHSMBSI - You Are Not A Lawyer, And Therefore Everything You Have Said May Be Safely Ignored
YAW - Yet Another Warner
YEM - Yemen (Yémen)
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
YO - Yottaoctet
YOWTWYWT - You Obviously Weren't Thinking When You Wrote That
YSHFRTT - You Should Have Finished Reading The Thread
ZAF - South Africa (Afrique du Sud)
ZCO - Zero-Copy Object
ZHP - Zeb Help Process
ZHPDiag - Zeb Help Process Diagnostique
ZHPFix - Zeb Help Process Fix
ZIF - Zero Insertion Force
ZMB - ZaMBia (Zambie)
ZO - Zettaoctet
ZWE - ZimbabWE (Zimbabwe)