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Ultra Virus Killer (UVK) - Outil de réparations de Windows qui exécute également quelques outils de scan de sécurité tiers, dans leurs versions gratuites.

cr  01.01.2012      r+  22.10.2024      r-  22.10.2024      Pierre Pinard.         (Alertes et avis de sécurité au jour le jour)

Ultra Virus Killer (UVK) est, essentiellement, un outil de réparation de Windows. Il exécute des scripts classiques (bien connus) de réparation de certaines fonctions de Windows.

Ultra Virus Killer (UVK) est également capable de télécharger, à la demande, des versions gratuites classiques de divers antivirus/antimalwares comme Malwarebytes, SUPERAntiSpyware, RogueKiller, Kaspersky TDSSKiller, AdwCleaner, Junkware Removal Tool, etc., et de leur faire exécuter leurs analyses (scans), avec ou sans réparation.

Ultra Virus Killer (UVK) est assez bien écrit et présenté. Cela permet à un technicien de maintenance d'avoir tout sous la main, sous une présentation et un comportement homogène, ce qui peut être pratique et lui simplifier la vie (mais Ultra Virus Killer (UVK) est réellement un outil pour techniciens, à ne pas mettre entre des mains inexpérimentées. L'outil est très puissant, suffisamment puissant pour endommager votre système d'exploitation s'il est utilisé de manière incorrecte.).

Toutefois, Ultra Virus Killer (UVK) exécute une fonction de nettoyage et défragmentation du registre Windows, manipulations contre lesquelles nous nous élevons avec force. Lire :

Ultra Virus Killer (UVK) est un produit commercial avec une période d'essai gratuite de 14 jours.

Le site indique très clairement qui est derrière ce site : c'est une société de type auto-entrepreneur installée en France et ses numéros de SIREN et SIRET sont clairement indiqués. Très bien.

Toujours utiliser la liste des outils et services de Web réputation avant de faire confiance à un site Web.

Remarques :

Notes :

  • Comme l'auteur a une activité de dépannage informatique dans sa région, il est fort probable que le produit appelé Ultra Virus Killer soit un outil personnel l'aidant dans ses interventions locales et qui a été mis en vente sous forme de licences. D'ailleurs, les licences sont professionnelles et en quantité (marque blanche, Pro ou OEM).

  • Les outils en version gratuite que Ultra Virus Killer télécharge et utilise sont préférablement utilisables depuis leurs sites officiels, sans Ultra Virus Killer. Voir :

  • Pour la partie réparation de Windows, on peut également considérer Windows Repair All In One.

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Page d'accueil<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -
Page d'accueil

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Réparation système<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -
Réparation système

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Anti-adware<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>System booster<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -
System booster

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Désinstalleurs<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Gestionnaire de processus<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -
Gestionnaire de processus

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Gestionnaire autorun<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -
Gestionnaire autorun

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Gestionnaire de modules<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -
Gestionnaire de modules

Ultra Virus Killer ( <br>Gestionnaire de services<br>
Ultra Virus Killer -
Gestionnaire de services

Ultra Virus Killer a été initialement créé début 2010 comme un outil de suppression manuelle de virus et de réparation du système, simple mais puissant.

Il a introduit de nombreuses nouvelles méthodes de réparation telles que les enregistrements de DLL, désormais utilisées par d'autres applications du même type.

Il s’est développé depuis, ajoutant de nombreuses fonctionnalités utiles.

Les derniers modules les plus importants récemment ajoutés sont le « System Booster » et le « Smart Uninstaller ».

Le module de réparation du système est l'une des fonctionnalités d'Ultra Virus Killer les plus importantes.

Ultra Virus Killer contient des correctifs et des outils pour effectuer les tâches de réparation et de maintenance du système les plus courantes. Il peut également automatiser les outils de suppression de logiciels malveillants les plus connus et vous permet de créer vos propres applications tierces automatisées et des rapports professionnels. Le mode sans assistance est pris en charge.

Le module « System Booster » d'Ultra Virus Killer est un nettoyeur du registre et du système de fichiers fiable et complet. Non seulement il parcourt récursivement le registre en essayant de trouver des références invalides, comme le font les nettoyeurs de registre courants, mais il analyse chaque clé et valeur séparément, définissant s'il pointe vers un fichier ou une autre clé/valeur de registre. En parcourant un large tableau de possibilités, Ultra Virus Killer s'assure que l'élément correspondant n'existe pas avant de l'ajouter à la liste à nettoyer.

Dans les versions Windows 64 bits, Ultra Virus Killer analyse les clés de registre natives et Wow64. Cette analyse approfondie fait de ce module un nettoyeur de registre fiable, qui garantit que seules les erreurs réelles sont signalées. Il donne également à l'utilisateur beaucoup plus d'informations sur les erreurs qu'il trouve que les autres nettoyeurs de registre.

Le programme de désinstallation intelligent est un programme de désinstallation de logiciels complet pour Windows. Il permet de désinstaller plusieurs programmes à la fois, prend en charge le mode sans assistance (désinstallation sans interaction de l'utilisateur), la désinstallation forcée (pour les programmes tenaces) et bien plus encore.

Le module « Quick User Manager » vous offre toutes les options de gestion des comptes utilisateurs dans une interface conviviale.

Un autre module important récemment ajouté est l'immunisation du système. Cette fonctionnalité empêche efficacement les modifications des clés de registre et des fichiers les plus vulnérables et peut éventuellement empêcher l'exécution de fichiers dans des répertoires spécifiques. Il ne remplace pas un logiciel anti-virus, mais c'est un bon complément léger.

Le module « Tools and tweaks » vous fournit de nombreux outils et réglages pour la réparation de Windows. Cela comprend l'exécution facile des outils intégrés Windows les plus utiles, une fonction de gestion des fichiers, des dossiers et du registre, et de nombreux réglages de Windows.

Le module Informations système fournit des informations système qui peuvent être particulièrement utiles si vous prévoyez de réinstaller Windows ou essayez de diagnostiquer un problème lié au matériel. Les informations peuvent être exportées vers un fichier html.

Ultra Virus Killer report

Date and time: 2020/03/08 20:47:13:829

Client name:

Report ID:

Repair action nameRepair action descriptionRepair action result
Backup desktop icon layoutSometimes the custom layout of the desktop icons is lost when the computer reboots.

This fix lets you backup the icons' positions so they can be restored later.

Time: 2 seconds

Successfully backed up the current layout of the desktop icons.

Enable Windows Installer in Safe ModeThis fix will enable the Windows installer to run in Safe Mode minimal and with networking, allowing you to install applications through the Windows Installer in those boot modes.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully enabled the Windows Installer service in Safe Mode and Safe Mode With Networking.

Set technician power settingsOptimize the current power scheme settings for the repair operation:
Close lid does nothing, auto sleep is disabled, hard drives and displays are always on, dim display after 5 minutes.

This fix is not available on Windows XP.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully applied 6 technician power settings.

Create a system restore pointCreate a system restore point named "Ultra Virus Killer System Repair".

If the system restore is disabled, it will be automatically enabled.

Time: 43 seconds

Successfully created restore point named "Ultra Virus Killer System Repair Restore Point".

Backup the registryCreate a registry backup.

If "Use unattended mode" is checked, the entire registry will be backed up, otherwise you will be able to choose which hives to backup.

Time: 5 seconds

Successfully created an unnamed registry backup.

Disable the User Account ControlThis fix will disable the User Account Control (UAC).

Use the "Enable the User Account Control" post repair action to re-enable it after the repair operation.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully disabled the user account control.

Enable the legacy (F8) boot menuThis fix will enable the old boot menu, activated by pressing F8.

Obviously this fix only works on Windows 8 or higher.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully enabled the legacy (F8) boot menu.

Prevent rebooting until all is doneThis fix will try to prevent this PC from rebooting until the current repair operation is complete.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully prevented this PC from rebooting.

Ultra Adware Killer scanLaunch Ultra Adware killer and automatically start a scan.

Time: 2 seconds

Successfully started the Ultra Adware Killer scan. Monitoring is skipped by user request.

MalwareBytes AntiMalware scanUpdates MalwareBytes AntiMalware and starts a threat scan.

The application will be downloaded if not already installed and up to date.

Time: 39 seconds

Successfully started the MBAM scan. Monitoring was skipped by user request.

Super AntiSpyware scanUpdates Super AntiSpyware and starts a scan.

Check "Third party full scans" below if you want Super AntiSpyware to perform a full scan.

Time: 27 minutes and 54 seconds

Successfully executed Super AntiSpyware scan. Running time: 27 minutes and 53 seconds.

RogueKiller scanUpdates RogueKiller and starts a scan.The application will be downloaded if not up to date.

Time: 2 minutes and 47 seconds

Successfully started the RogueKiller scan. Process monitoring was skipped by user request.

Kaspersky TDSSKiller scanUpdates TDSSKiller and starts a scan.The process is totally automated, except the threat removal process.

Time: 18 seconds

Successfully started the TDSSKiller scan. Monitoring is skipped by user request.

AdwCleaner scanUpdates AdwCleaner and starts a scan.The process is totally automated, except the threat removal process.

Time: 36 seconds

Successfully executed AdwCleaner scan. Running time: 6 seconds.

Avast! Browser CleanupUpdates and runs Avast! Browser Cleanup.This tool serves to delete pesky and unwanted toolbars and plug-ins from your browser(s).

Time: 7 seconds

Successfully started Avast! Browser Cleanup. Monitoring is skipped by user request.

u prolaivexe en pou don line tlainefou de la télé check it out

Time: 11 minutes and 10 seconds

Successfully executed the "u prolaivexe en pou don line tlaine" custom third party app.

u prolailes intuitions de la logan en poanti-adaware comodo privazer

Time: 6 minutes and 9 seconds

Successfully executed the "u prolailes intuitions de la logan en po" custom third party app.

anti-pdf bates numbereranti-pdf bates numberer

Time: 41 minutes and 37 seconds

Successfully executed the "anti-pdf bates numberer" custom third party app.

télé check it out

Time: 8 minutes and 13 seconds

Successfully executed the "télé check it out" custom third party app.


Time: 7 minutes and 16 seconds

Successfully executed the "NUTELLA" custom third party app.

Reset Microsoft EdgeThis fix will reset Microsoft's new browser to its default settings, including home pages, search and preferences. You have better control of what to reset with Ultra Adware Killer

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset Microsoft Edge.

Reset IE and internet settingsThis fix will reset all IE search providers , and launch the reset internet settings dialog.

Check "Use unattended mode" to automate the whole procedure.

Time: 1 minute and 26 seconds

Successfully reset IE and Internet settings.

Reset ChromeThis fix will reset Google chrome's preferences and extensions. The cache and cookies will not be affected.

The reset operation will only be performed for the current user, but all Chrome profiles will be reset.

Time: 2 seconds

Successfully reset IE and Internet settings.

Reset Chrome for all usersThis fix will reset Google chrome's preferences and extensions. The cache and cookies will not be affected.

The reset operation will be performed for all users, and all Chrome profiles will be reset.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset Google Chrome for all users.

Reset FirefoxThis fix will reset Firefox preferences and extensions. The cache and cookies will not be affected.

The reset operation will only be performed for the current user, but all Firefox profiles will be reset.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset Google Chrome for all users.

Reset Firefox for all usersThis fix will reset Firefox preferences and extensions. The cache and cookies will not be affected.

The reset operation will be performed for all users, and all Firefox profiles will be reset.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset Mozilla Firefox for all users.

Reset Firefox print settingsSometimes Firefox gets stuck with one print paper size, usually after switching printers. This fix will reset Firefox's printer settings, automatically fixing that issue and similar ones.

Note: Firefox's process will be killed prior to the reset operation.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset Firefox's print preferences.

Reset the DNS cacheThis fix will flush the DNS by running the following command:

Ipconfig /FlushDns

Time: 1 seconds

Successfully reset the DNS cache.

Reset the hosts file and DNSThis fix will flush the DNS and reset the hosts file to it's defaults.

If you only want to flush the DNS, use the "Reset the DNS cache" fix instead

Time: 1 seconds

Successfully reset the DNS cache.

Reset IP, Winsock and proxyThis fix will reset the IP, winsock and proxy settings on the local computer.

Please note that the internet connection will be restarted.

Time: 30 seconds

Successfully reset IP, Winsock and Proxy settings.

Reset the group policiesThis fix will reset the group policies in gpedit and the registry to their defaults.

In unattended mode, custom templates will not be deleted. Otherwise, you can choose whether to delete them.

Time: 1 seconds

Successfully reset the local Group Policy.

Reset and fix the Windows firewallThis fix will reset and repair the windows firewall.

Note that all the current firewall rules will be deleted.

Time: 53 minutes and 20 seconds

The "Reset and fix the Windows firewall" fix was cancelled.

Reset registry and file permissionsThis fix will ensure the System and Administrators groups have full access to the registry, and to the system and user folders.

Use this fix if you are getting access denied errors.

Time: 9 seconds

Successfully reset access to the registry and user folders.

Reset user default settingsThis fix will reset the current user's registry settings to their defauts.

It will be done on next reboot. No registry entries will be deleted, the keys and values will be copied from the default user's hive.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully schedule the User default settings to be reset on reboot.

Reset user shell foldersThis fix will reset the registry entries for the User Shell Folders key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset the User Shell Folders.

Reset NumLock ON at logonThis fix will set the NumLock state ON at the user logon screen for all users.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset NumLock ON at logon, for all users.

Reset print spooler dataThis fix will clear and reset the print spooler's queue.

Any files pendind to be printed will no longer be printed.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset the Print Spooler data.

Reset CD burning queueThis fix will reset the CD/DVD burning queue.
Any files pendind to be burned to CD or DVD will no longer be burned.
Please ensure no CD/DVD is currently being burned before running this fix.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset the CD Burn area.

Reset WLAN profiles and settingsThis fix will reset everything related to WIFI, including saved profiles and passwords.
Use this fix only if you're having WIFI issues.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset the WLAN profiles and settings.

Unpin all Start Menu tilesThis fix, only available on Windows 8 and above, will remove all the tiles from the Start Menu. New tiles can be added manually, afterwards.

Time: 2 minutes and 17 seconds

Successfully unpinned all Start Menu tiles.

Reset Windows services' start typesThis fix, only available on Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista and XP, will reset the start type of the protected Win32 services. Services will only be reset if they have been modified.

Time: 4 seconds

Reset Windows services result: 15 hijacked services repaired.

Reset the Windows StoreThis fix resets the Windows Store without changing account settings or deleting installed apps.

This fix is only available on Windows 10, 8.1 and 8

Time: 1 minute and 58 seconds

Successfully reset the Windows Store.

Fix the WMI & the System restoreThis fix will attempt to repair the WMI (Windows management intrumentation) and the System restore.

The System restore depends on the WMI, being the reason for bundling both fixes into one.

Time: 58 seconds

Successfully repaired and enabled the System Restore.

Fix IE and the Windows shellThis fix will repair possible Windows shell hijacks, repair some common Internet Explorer issues, and register the files needed for the shell and IE to work properly.

Time: 3 minutes and 39 seconds

Successfully repaired IE and the Windows Shell.

Fix install problemsThis fix will grant access to the Windows installer's database, and repair common issues related to the windows installer, and application data or temp directories.

Time: 22 seconds

Successfully applied the fixes for installation issues.

Run MS Install/Uninstall troubleshooterThis fix will download and run the Microsofttroubleshooter for program install/uninstall issues.

Time: 1 minute and 59 seconds

The "Run MS Install/Uninstall troubleshooter" fix was cancelled.

Fix Windows sidebarThis fix will enable and repair the Windows sidebar.

In unattended mode, the current sidebar settings will be kept, otherwise you can choose whether to delete them.

Time: 28 seconds

Failed to repair the Windows Sidebar.

Fix desktop icons and context menuThis fix enables displaying the desktop icons and context menu if they have been hiden.

Time: 4 seconds

Successfully fixed the current user's desktop icons and context menu.

Fix and enable Windows updateThis fix will repair and enable the Windows update service.

Please note that the Security center service will be restarted.

Time: 1 minute and 29 seconds

Successfully repaired the Windows Update service.

Fix shortcuts, urls and protocolsThis fix will repair the registry entries for the desktop and internet shortcuts, and the http and https protocols

Time: 35 seconds

Shortcuts, URLs and protocols were successfully fixed.

Fix the EventSystem serviceThis fix is only for Vista/7/8. It will fix common isues related to the EventSystem service, such as being logged into the system account instead of the user account.

Time: 55 seconds

Successfully repaired the EventSystem service.

Fix the SubSystems keySometimes the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems registry key gets hijacked by malware.

This fix will repair it.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully repaired the "SubSystems" registry key.

Fix local group accessThis fix will make "Local service" and "Network service" members of the administrators group.

Use it when you have network or service problems, such as your network icon not displayng the connected state.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully fixed the local group access.

Fix executable file associationsThis fix will repair the following file

Note: The file associations must not have been locked in the "Tools and tweaks" module, or the fix will fail.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully repaired all seven executable file associations

Fix Internet Explorer 10 historySome cleanup programs delete IE's History folder, which makes Internet Explorer 10 or higher stop working properly.

This fix will repair that.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully repaired Internet explorer's history.

Fix Apps not responding too soonThis fix will increase the time windows waits before marking the applications as "Not responding". Nice for slow systems.
You will need to log off and on for the changes to take effect.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully increased the "Hung Application" timeout to 12 seconds for all users.

Fix browser shortcutsSome adware programs modify the browsers' desktop and start menu shortcuts, making them open specific pages when launched from those shortcuts. This fix will repair IE, Chrome, Firefox and Opera's shortcuts for all users.

Time: 4 seconds

No hijacked internet browser shortcuts found.

Fix the Windows store and Metro appsThis fix re-registers and repairs the Windows store apps.

This fix is only for Windows 8 or higher.

Time: 1 minute and 1 seconds

Successfully updated and executed the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter.

Fix corrupted user profilesThis fix will try to detect and repair corrupted user profiles, and fix system errors such as "The User Profile Service failed the logon" and "User profile cannot be loaded".

Time: 0 seconds

0 corrupted user profiles successfully fixed.

Fix Task scheduler errorsThis fix will try to repair Task scheduler related errors, such as when it says "The selected task "{0}" no longer exists".

NOTE: This fix is not available on Windows XP.

Time: 2 seconds

Successfully repaired the Windows Task scheduler.

Fix Wifi takes long to connectSometimes, after booting up, Windows may take long to automatically connect to a saved Wifi network.

This fix repairs that issue.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully repaired Wifi's "long time to connect" issue.

Fix this PC not visible in the networkThis fix configures and starts a few Windows services that are required for a computer to be visible in the network.

NOTE: This fix does not enable network discovery or file sharing.

Time: 5 seconds

Successfully fixed "This PC not visible in the network".

Check the system drive on rebootThis fix will schedule CHKDSK to check the system drive for errors on the next reboot.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully scheduled CHKDSK to be executed the next reboot.

Unhide all fixed drivesThis fix will remove hidden properties for all the files and folders in all fixed drives, except system files.

Time: 4 minutes and 33 seconds

Successfully unhidden files in all fixed drives.

Rebuild icon cacheThis fix will rebuild the current user's icon cache.

If not in unattended mode, you will be given the option to restart the Windows File Explorer.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully rebuilt the Windows icon cache for all users.

Install/Update the DirectXThis fix will install or update the DirectX.

The process is totally automated, even if "Use unattended mode" is unchecked.

Time: 14 minutes and 44 seconds

The "Install/Update the DirectX" fix was cancelled.

Install/Update JavaThis fix will install or update Java in this computer.

The process is totally automated, even if "Use unattended mode" is unchecked.

Time: 7 minutes and 29 seconds

The "Install/Update Java" fix was cancelled.

Install/Update FlashThis fix will update the Flash player for IE, Chrome and Firefox.

The process is totally automated, even if "Use unattended mode" is unchecked.

Time: 2 minutes and 36 seconds

The "Install/Update Flash" fix was cancelled.

Install/Update Shockwave playerThis fix will install or update the Adobe shockwave player.

The process is totally automated, even if "Use unattended mode" is unchecked.

Time: 1 minute and 11 seconds

Successfully updated the Shockwave player.

Install/Update .NET FrameworkThis fix will install or update the most important versions of the the .Net Framework.

The process is totally automated, even if "Use unattended mode" is unchecked.

Time: 2 minutes and 56 seconds

The "Install/Update .NET Framework" fix was cancelled.

Install/Update Visual C++ runtimeThis fix will install the following Visual C++ redistributable packages:

VC++ 2005 SP1, VC++ 2008 SP1, VC++ 2010 SP1, VC++ 2012, VC++ 2013 and VC++ 2015.

Time: 4 minutes and 12 seconds

Successfully updated the Visual C++ runtime.

Install Desktop gadgets on Win 8This fix only works for Windows 8.
It will download the 8GadgetPack from and silently install it.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully updated the Visual C++ runtime.

Install the System Update Readiness ToolThis fix only works for Windows Vista and 7.

It will download and run the System Update Readiness Tool in unattended mode.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully updated the Visual C++ runtime.

Empty all users temp foldersThis fix will empty all users and system temporary folders, and also the recycle bin.

Locked files will be deleted on reboot. If you don't want to empty the recycle bin, use "Empty temporary folders" instead.

Time: 0 seconds

The temporary folders and the recycle bin were successfully emptied for all users. 1.94 MB of HDD space gained.

Empty temporary foldersThis fix will empty all users and system temporary folders. The recycle bin will not be emptied.

Locked files will be deleted on reboot. If you also want to empty the recycle bin, use "Empty all users temp folders" instead.

Time: 0 seconds

The temporary folders were successfully emptied for all users. 0 bytes of HDD space gained.

Empty all browsers cacheThis fix will empty the cache for all installed internet browsers.

Supported browsers are: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari.

Time: 14 seconds

Successfully emptied all Internet browsers cache.

Empty browsers cache (all users)This fix will empty the cache for all installed internet browsers, and for all users in this system.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully emptied all Internet browsers cache for all users.

Delete all browsers cookiesThis fix will delete the cookies for all installed internet browsers.

Supported browsers are: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully deleted the Internet browsers cookies.

Delete browsers cookies (all users)This fix will delete the cookies for all installed internet browsers, and for all users in this system.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully deleted the Internet browsers cookies for all users.

Clear Internet Explorer's historyThis fix will clear the Internet Explorer's history for the current user.

IE's cookies and cache will not be affected.

Time: 13 seconds

Successfully cleared the Internet Explorer and computer history.

Clear Windows event logsThis fix will reset the windows event logs.

Use this fix if the event logs have become too big to be easily analyzed.

Time: 1 seconds

Successfully cleared 5 system event logs.

Clear Error report foldersWith time, Windows can accumulate thousands of useless error reports.

This fix will remove them all, to recover HDD space

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully cleared 7 error report folders.

Clear the shell cacheThe Windows shell saves folder view, position and size in a registry database. This fix will clear that database, which improves the response of the shell, but it will forget any previously saved folder view, position and size.

Time: 1 seconds

Successfully reset the Windows Shell's cache for the current user.

Clear the shell MuiCacheIf the Shell's list of most recently used programs becomes too long, it may slow down the Windows file explorer.

This fix will clear that list for the current user.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully cleared the Shell's MuiCache.

Clear empty appdata sub directoriesSome programs leave orphan empty appdata sub-directories behind, which can accumulate over time.

This fix will remove those folders.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully cleared the empty appdata folders. 19 folders deleted.

Clear Quick Access and Jump ListsThis fix will remove all items in the Quick access, and Jump lists, on the Start menu and taskbar.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully cleared Quick Access and Jump List

Cleanup MSI orphan filesWhen installing/uninstalling programs results in errors, orphan files are left over in the Windows installer folder, which may, over time, use a large ammount of HDD space. This fix will safely remove those orphan files.

Time: 1 seconds

Successfully cleaned up Windows installer orphan files.

Uninstall programsThis fix will launch a separate instance of the Smart Uninstaller, in case you want to uninstall some unwanted programs during the repair operation.

Time: 16 minutes and 27 seconds

The Smart Uninstaller module was successfully launched in a separate instance.

Cleanup the registryThis fix will cleanup the registry the same way the System booster does. All areas will be scanned, except the Junk files and the System restore points. Invalid items are automatically removed.

Note: This fix is only available to registered users.

Time: 4 minutes and 3 seconds

The registry cleanup succeeded. 3130 invalid items successfully cleaned up.

Cleanup junk filesThis fix will cleanup the junk files the same way the System booster does. Junk files found are automatically removed.

Note: This fix is only available to registered users.

Time: 1 minute and 51 seconds

The junk files cleanup succeeded. 11 files successfully cleaned up.

Cleanup notification area cacheThis fix will cleanup the tray icon cache for all users.

NOTE: The Windows Explorer process will be restarted.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully cleaned up the notification area's icon cache for antifondance uni c b.

Run full disk cleanupThis fix will run the Windows disk cleanup utility and scan the system drive. On Windows vista and higher, Windows update and Service pack files will be automatically scanned.

Time: 1 minute and 40 seconds

Successfully started Windows full disk cleanup.

Unattended disk cleanupThis fix will run the Windows disk cleanup utility, scan the system drive and automatically free disk space.

No user interaction will be needed.

Time: 35 seconds

Successfully executed unattended Windows disk cleanup.

Run Memory diagnostics on rebootThis fix will schedule memdiag to perform the memory diagnostics on the next system boot.

Time: 2 seconds

Successfully scheduled the memory diagnostics to run on the next boot.

Prevent resetting default appsWindows 10 is known for periodically resetting the default apps.

This will fix that issue by preventing some built-in apps such as Microsoft Edge or Photos to be set as the default apps.

Time: 15 seconds

Stop Resetting My Apps was successfully launched.

Update WindowsThis fix will search for Windows updates, and automatically download and install the available ones.

Time: 41 minutes and 29 seconds

Successfully updated Windows. 2 Windows updates installed.

Update Windows using WAU ManagerRun WAU Manager which will search for Windows updates, and automatically download and install the available ones.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully updated Windows. 2 Windows updates installed.

Start menu troubleshooterTroubleshoots problems related to the Start Menu and Cortana.

Time: 44 seconds

Successfully updated and executed the Start Menu troubleshooter.

Windows store apps troubleshooterIf you have problems with an app from the Windows store, try this app troubleshooter.

Time: 12 seconds

Successfully updated and executed the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter.

Windows update troubleshooterIf you’re having problems with Windows Update, the Windows Update troubleshooter might be able to automatically fix the problem.

Time: 11 seconds

Successfully updated and executed the Windows Update troubleshooter.

Register system DLLsThis fix registers all Windows DLL and OCX files in the System32/SysWOW64 folders.

A very useful fix that can solve many common Windows problems.

Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes and 17 seconds

Successfully registered the system files. 639 files registered.

Repair Windows using Dism.exeThis fix, available only for Windows 8 and higher, and for registered users, uses the "Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" command to restore the health of the current Windows installation. This fix can take long to complete, so please be patient

Time: 2 seconds

Successfully started the DISM.exe Windows image repair operation.

Clean up the WinSxS folderThis fix will free up HDD space by removing files from previous Windows versions and service packs. It may take long time to execute.

Please note that, after that, you will no longer be able to downgrade to those previous Windows states.

Time: 8 seconds

The WinSxS folder was successfully cleaned up. No HDD free space was recovered.

Defrag and optimizeThis fix can take long to finish.

It will defragment all non SSD hard drives, and then optimize the system boot and shutdown.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully optimized all hard drives connected to this PC.

Restore desktop icon layoutThis fix will restore the position of the desktop icons, as previously saved with the "Backup desktop icon layout" pre-repair acion.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully restored the previously saved layout of the desktop icons.

Restore the standard boot menuThis fix will restore the standard boot menu on windows 8, 8.1 and 10.

Note: The F8 legacy boot menu will be disabled.

Time: 6 seconds

Successfully restored the standard boot menu.

Launch Multiple Reboot SchedulerThis fix runs our boot optimizing tool (MRS), which lets you reboot the PC several times in sequence, with a configurable delay time between each reboot. In the end, the results of the reboot optimization are displayed in a dialog box.

Time: 1 seconds

Multiple Reboot Scheduler was successfully launched.

Launch Account Profile FixerThis fix runs our Account Profile Fixer (APF) tool, which lets you easily replace a user account with a new one, while keeping all the data from the old account, fixing all possible user profile related issues.

Time: 2 seconds

Account Profile Fixer was successfully launched.

Launch WAU ManagerThis fix runs our WAU Manager tool, which is a lightweight but complete replacement for the built in WindowsAutomatic Updates interface.

Time: 1 seconds

WAU manager was successfully launched.

Launch ClearDiskInfoThis fix runs our ClearDiskInfo, which gives you full storage device information in a human friendly way.

Time: 2 seconds

ClearDiskInfo was successfully launched.

Restore the previous UAC stateIf you disabled the User Account Control in the current repair operation using the "Disable the User Account Control" pre-repair action, this fix will restore its previous state.

Time: 0 seconds

The previous UAC's state was successfully restored.

Enable the User Account ControlThis fix will restore the User Account Control (UAC) enabled state.

Time: 3 seconds

Successfully enabled the user account control.

Restore previous immunizationIf you used the "Un-immunize all areas" pre-repair action, then this fix will restore the previous immunization.

Time: 1 minute and 39 seconds

Successfully immunized the following areas: for all users.

Create restore point (post repair)Create a system restore point named "Ultra Virus Killerpost repair restore point".

If the system restore is disabled, it will be automatically enabled.

Time: 3 minutes and 32 seconds

Failed to create restore point named "Ultra Virus Killer Post Repair Restore Point".

Reset power settingsThis fix will apply the following settings for the current power scheme:
Close lid action: Sleep. HDD power off and sleep timeout: 30 min. Dim display timeout: 5 min. Display power off: 20 min.

This fix is not available on Windows XP.

Time: 0 seconds

Successfully reset 5 power settings.

Send reports by Email or FTPThis fix will automatically send the application reports, to your email address or FTP server (as previously set in the Reporting module), after the repair operation completes.

Time: 0 seconds

Reports will be sent once the repair operation completes.

Uninstall Malwarebytes AntiMalwareThis option uninstalls Malwarebytes AntiMalware, if it has been previously installed in this PC.

Time: 15 minutes and 5 seconds

Successfully uninstalled Malwarebytes AntiMalware.

Uninstall Super AntiSpywareThis option uninstalls Super AntiSpyware, if it has been previously installed in this PC.

Time: 11 seconds

Successfully uninstalled Super AntiSpyware.

Uninstall RogueKillerThis option uninstalls RogueKiller, if it has been previously installed in this PC.

Time: 5 seconds

The "Uninstall RogueKiller" fix was cancelled.

Defrag the registry if neededThis fix will check the registry hives for fragmentation, and defrag the ones more than 10% fragmented.

Note: The computer may be automatically rebooted after running this fix. Also, this fix requires activation.

Time: 10 seconds

Defragment the registry: 0 hives defragged. Reboot needed: No

End of report. The total time of the repair operation was 6 hours, 20 minutes and 27 seconds

Ultra Virus Killer a une fonction d'élimination des adwares qui ressemble furieusement à AdwCleaner et JRT (Junkware Removal Tool), dont le piratage des bases de données sera démontré ici par Thisisu (auteur de JRT) avec l'introduction de traceurs dans ces bases de données. Xplode (auteur d'AdwCleaner) exprime une même colère ici.

UVK feature name





Logo de votre marque

Nom de votre marque

Liens vers votre site

Intégralité de l'application à votre marque

Synchronisation cloud

Supprimer les restes de désinstallation

Corriger les erreurs (System booster)

Immunisation pour tous les utilisateurs

Mot de passe de protection

Menu contextuel dans les informations de fichier

Envoyer des rapports par e-mail ou FTP

Toutes les autres fonctions d'UVK


$70 USD

$50 USD

$15-$25 USD


Collection de dossiers : Les logithèques

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