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Liste des crapwares

La Crapthèque est une base de données de logiciels publiés de manière crapuleuse, constituant des escroqueries, voire des malveillances à ne jamais utiliser.

Liste des crapwares de la crapthèque - Première page de l'index    Liste des crapwares de la crapthèque - Page précédente de l'index    Liste des crapwares de la crapthèque - Page suivante de l'index    Liste des crapwares de la crapthèque - Dernière page de cet index
  1. Koox System Optimizer

  2. KooxSystemOptimizer

  3. KorAd

  4. Kozaka

  5. KrabWeb

  6. Kraddare

  7. KrAdword

  8. krgate

  9. Kugoo

  10. kurinkonseki

  11. Kurupira

  12. Kvikkpc

  13. KvmSecure

  14. KVMSecureis

  15. Kwearchguide

  16. Kwinzy

  17. kyoiireza

  18. kyoikanshi

  19. kyoryokucleaner

  20. LampyLighty

  21. largavidapc

  22. Larparus

  23. Lasaoren

  24. LastDefender

  25. LastPass toolbar

  26. LastShopping

  27. laufwerkcleaner

  28. LaurensCustomized

  29. LavasoftSecureSearch

  30. LAVMediaCodec

  31. LayoutExpress toolbar

  32. Leichtersprinter

  33. LemurLeap

  34. LenovoBrowserGuard

  35. Less2Pay

  36. Lettsprinter

  37. LevelQualityWatcher

  38. Libre System

  39. LibreSystem

  40. lifelongpc

  41. LightLogger

  42. limpiapc

  43. limpietodo

  44. LinkDoumi

  45. LinkeySearch

  46. LinkiDoo

  47. LinkMaker

  48. Linkside

  49. LinkSwift

  50. Linkular

  51. Lite Web

  52. LittleApp Suggestor

  53. Live PC Care

  54. Live Security Platinum

  55. Live Security Professional

  56. LiveAntispy

  57. LiveKill

  58. LivePCHelp

  59. LiveProtect

  60. LiveProtection

  61. LiveSearch toolbar

  62. LiveSoftAction

  63. LizardLink

  64. LizardSales

  65. Locator

  66. Lockdown Millenium

  67. Lockdown Pro

  68. Logixoft

  69. Lollipop

  70. lomejorenantivirus

  71. longlifepc

  72. LongueViePC

  73. LookForiThere

  74. Lookout Deals

  75. LookSafe

  76. LookThisUp

  77. Lop Uninstaller

  78. LoudMo

  79. lpdownclsva004.com

  80. LuaRT

  81. LuckyCoupon

  82. LuckyLeap

  83. LuckySearches

  84. LuckyServices

  85. LuckyShopper

  86. LuckyTab

  87. LuckyTender

  88. LungaVitaPC

  89. Luxemil.com

  90. LZIO

  91. MACDefender

  92. MacProtector

  93. MacroAV

  94. macrovirus

  95. Macsweeper

  96. MAEBarre toolbar

  97. maechtigerreiniger

  98. Magentic toolbar

  99. Magic AntiSpy

  100. Magic Button

  101. MagicAntiSpy

  102. MagicAntiSpy Professional

  103. MagicGlovesLab

  104. MagicSoftline

  105. MagniPic

  106. Magoo

  107. Mail Wiper

  108. MailUpdate

  109. MailWiper

  110. MainSearch

  111. MaintainerSvc

  112. Major Defense Kit

  113. MakeItLive toolbar

  114. MakeMeCoupon

  115. Malware Alarm

  116. Malware Alarm Scanner

  117. Malware Bell

  118. Malware Catcher

  119. Malware Catcher 2009

  120. Malware Defender 2009

  121. Malware Destructor

  122. Malware Doctor

  123. Malware Protection

  124. Malware Protection Center

  125. Malware Scanner

  126. Malware Security Suite

  127. Malware Stopper

  128. Malware Wipe

  129. Malware Wiped

  130. Malware Wiper

  131. MalwareAlarm

  132. MalwareAlarm Scanner

  133. MalwareBell

  134. MalwareBot

  135. MalwareBurn

  136. MalwareCleaner

  137. MalwareCore

  138. MalwareDefender2009

  139. MalwareDestructor

  140. MalwareDoc

  141. MalwareDoctor

  142. MalwareMonitor

  143. MalwarePatrol Pro

  144. MalwarePro

  145. MalwareProtector2008

  146. MalwareProtector 2008

  147. MalwareScanner

  148. malwareschutz

  149. MalwareStopper

  150. MalwaresWipeds

  151. MalwareWar

  152. MalwareWipe

  153. MalwareWipe Pro

  154. MalwareWiped

  155. MalwareWipePro

  156. MalwareWiper

  157. Malwarrior

  158. MalWhere

  159. Manager

  160. manutencaopc

  161. MapsGalaxy

  162. MarineAquarium

  163. Market Research Helper

  164. MarketScore

  165. MarkkIt

  166. Master Utilities

  167. MasterDeals

  168. MatrixSearch

  169. Maucampo

  170. Max Privacy Protector

  171. Max Privacy Protector History Eraser & Spy Killer

  172. Max Spam Shield

  173. MaxAntispy

  174. MaxAtube toolbar

  175. Maxifiles

  176. Maxiget

  177. Maxiimus

  178. Maximum Antivirus

  179. MaximumAntivirus

  180. MaxnetShield

  181. MaxNetShield (MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser)

  182. MaxnetShield Spyware Remover

  183. MaxStart

  184. MaxUninstaller

  185. MBot

  186. Medi Kit

  187. Media-Codec

  188. Media Performer

  189. Media_Play_AIR+

  190. Media Player

  191. MediaAdVantage

  192. MediaBack

  193. MediaBar toolbar

  194. MediaBuzz

  195. MediaCodec

  196. MediaDownloader

  197. MediaEnhance

  198. MediaFinder

  199. MediaGet

  200. MediaPass

  201. MediaPerformer

  202. MediaPlaceTV

  203. MediaPlayerEnhance

  204. MediaPlayerPackages

  205. MediaSearch

  206. MediaToolbar

  207. MediaViewer

  208. MedPlayerNewVersion

  209. MegaBrowse

  210. Megaify

  211. MegaShop

  212. Meinbester Schutz

  213. Meinbesterschutz

  214. Melondrea

  215. memorisebu

  216. Memory Maximizer

  217. Memory Zippler Plus

  218. menacecontrole

  219. MenaceFighter

  220. menacemonitor

  221. Menacerescue

  222. menacescrubber

  223. Menacesecure

  224. menacesprotection

  225. MessengerBlocker

  226. MessengerSkinner

  227. MetaStream

  228. miavcompleto

  229. Micorsoft Essential Security Pro 2013

  230. MicroAdbar

  231. MicroAntivirus

  232. MicroAntivirus (Micro Antivirus 2009)

  233. Microsoft DirectPlay Helper

  234. Microsoft RegClean

  235. MicrosoftIED toolbar

  236. Microwave Antivirus

  237. Midicairus toolbar

  238. Midicase toolbar

  239. mightycleaner

  240. Mijn Antivirus

  241. MijnAntivirus

  242. Milestone Antivirus

  243. MindSpark

  244. MiniApp

  245. Minibar

  246. Minibug

  247. MinimumPrice

  248. minnesparere

  249. Mirar

  250. MistikotitaTuIpologisti

  251. MixiDJ toolbar

  252. MixVideoPlayer

  253. MMediaCodec

  254. MMFixCtrl

  255. MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser

  256. Mobogenie

  257. MocaFlix

  258. MonContenuAssistant

  259. monitordeamenazas

  260. MontieraToolbar

  261. Moozy

  262. MorpheusBar

  263. Mostofate

  264. MoteurPCPro

  265. MovCodec

  266. MovieBox

  267. MovieCommander

  268. MoviesToolbar

  269. MovieWizard

  270. Movly

  271. MP3Rocket toolbar

  272. MP3Tube

  273. MP3U

  274. MPCODEC

  275. MPVideoCodec

  276. Mr. Fix

  277. Mr.AntiSpy

  278. Mr AntiSpy

  279. MrAntiSpy

  280. MS Antispyware 2009

  281. MS Antivirus

  282. MS Removal Tool

  283. MSIL

  284. MSN Photo Virus Remover

  285. MSN toolbar

  286. MSNCleaner

  287. Multimedia Fixer

  288. Multimedia Fixer 2004

  289. Multiple

  290. Multiplug

  291. MultiSavings

  292. MunazifAlhasob

  293. Musicboxnewtab.com

  294. Musicboxnewtab

  295. MusicBoxToolbar

  296. Musix Search

  297. MV RegClean

  298. MVPlayer

  299. My Coupons XP

  300. My Pass Generator

  301. My Privacy

  302. My Safe PC 2014

  303. My Security Engine

  304. My Security Shield

  305. My Security Wall

  306. My Supervisor

  307. My To Do

  308. MyBestOffersToday

  309. MyBugFreePc

  310. MyCleanerPC

  311. MyClearSearch

  312. mycontentassistant

  313. MyFasterPC

  314. MyFreeGames toolbar

  315. MyhomeViview

  316. MyHoome

  317. MyKeeper

  318. MyNetProtector

  319. MyPCBackup

  320. MyPCTuneUp

  321. MyPowerMall toolbar

  322. MyQuickSearch

  323. MySearchDials

  324. MySecurityEngine

  325. MySideSearch

  326. Mysoftpack

  327. MySoftToday

  328. MySpyFreePC

  329. MySpyProtector

  330. MyTotalSearch

  331. MyWaySearch

  332. MyWebFace

  333. MyWebSearch

  334. MyWebsites toolbar

  335. Nada de Virus

  336. NadadeVirus

  337. Nano Antivirus

  338. Nano Surfer

  339. NationSearch

  340. NationZoom

  341. Nattly

  342. Navipromo

  343. nCASE

  344. NCHBar toolbar

  345. nCleaner

  346. Need2Find

  347. Nemsprinter

  348. Neopets toolbar

  349. Neospace

  350. Neospace Internet Security

  351. NeospaceInternetSecurity

  352. NeospacelabSecur

  353. NeospacelabSecurity

  354. Net SuperCharger

  355. Net SuperCharger 2004

  356. Netbook Optimizer

  357. NetBrowserPro

  358. Netcaptor

  359. Netcom3 Cleaner

  360. NetController

  361. NetCoupon

  362. NetCrawl

  363. NetMonitor (Kissco)

  364. NetPumper

  365. NetScout toolbar

  366. NetSonic

  367. NetSpeed App

  368. NetSpy Protector

  369. NetSpyProtector

  370. netsurfageassure

  371. NettOrdinateur

  372. nettoyeurdepc

  373. Nettoyeurdeserreures

  374. nettoyeurdevirus

  375. nettoyeurpuissant

  376. NetworkMe

  377. NetXfer toolbar

  378. neuerantivirus

  379. neuerschild

  380. Newer Version

  381. Newhub

  382. NewSaver

  383. NextCoup

  384. NextLive

  385. NiceOffers

  386. nientetracce

  387. No-Spy

  388. No-Spy Sin-Espias

  389. No Spy X

  390. No Spy X Treme

  391. No Spy Xtreme

  392. NoAdware

  393. NoCompromaat

  394. NoNoizeBrowse

  395. NonStopAntivirus

  396. Norpalla

  397. NortelAntivirus

  398. Norway Virus

  399. NorwayVirus

  400. Nosibay

  401. NoSpyX

  402. NotePad+

  403. nouvelantivirus

  404. Noway Virus

  405. NowayVirus

  406. nurdeinpc

  407. Oberon toolbar

  408. ObjectBar toolbar

  409. ObjectBrowser

  410. ObviousIdea toolbar

  411. OczyszczaczKomputerza

  412. Offer Deal

  413. OfferBox

  414. OfferDeal

  415. OfferMosquito

  416. OfferMosquito toolbar

  417. Offerware

  418. Office

  419. OfficialVideoConverter

  420. ohnespurensurfen

  421. Okiitan

  422. omelhorantivirus

  423. OmigaPlus

  424. Omniboxes

  425. One Click Add n Remove

  426. One Click Add'n Remove Installer Uninstaller

  427. One Click Boost

  428. One Click Encrypt File Folder Encryption

  429. One Click Fix It

  430. One Click Netbooster

  431. One Click Spam Shield

  432. One Click Spy Clean

  433. One Click Spyclean

  434. One Click Sweep

  435. One ClickAddnRemove Installer Uninstaller

  436. One ClickSpyclean

  437. One ClickSweep

  438. OneAppPerDay

  439. OneFloorApp

  440. Onekit

  441. OneSafe PC Cleaner

  442. OneScan

  443. OneSoftPerDay

  444. OneStep

  445. OneTab

  446. OneToolBar

  447. Online PC-Fix

  448. Online Privacy Pro

  449. OnlineGames

  450. OnlineGuard

  451. onlinehelpmate

  452. OnlineLowDeals

  453. OnlinePCGuard

  454. OnlineSharing toolbar

  455. onlineverktyg

  456. OnlySearch

  457. onrainpurotekuta

  458. ooVoo toolbar

  459. Open Cloud Antivirus

  460. OpenCandy

  461. OpenCloud Antivirus

  462. OpenCloud Security

  463. Optical Surf

  464. OptiDiscount

  465. Optimizer Elite Max

  466. Optimizer Pro

  467. OptimizerEliteMax

  468. OptimizerMonitor

  469. OptimizerPro

  470. OptimumInstaller

  471. OptiToolbar

  472. Optout

  473. Orange toolbar

  474. Orantiespion

  475. ordureffaceur

  476. oruripea

  477. OSBodyGuard

  478. OSX.MacBooster

  479. OSX.MacKeeper

  480. OSX.Macsweeper

  481. OSX.SearchProtect

  482. Ottimizzaveloce

  483. oTweak

  484. OurBabyMaker toolbar

  485. OutBrowse

  486. OutfoxTV

  487. Oxford Spyware Remover

  488. P.S.Guard

  489. P.S.Guard spyware remover

  490. P2PMaxFrance toolbar

  491. P Antispyware 09

  492. PacFunction

  493. Packed.Generic.454

  494. Page Cannot Be Displayed

  495. Pal Emergency Response

  496. Pal Evidence Eliminator

  497. Pal Spyware Remover

  498. Paladin Antivirus

  499. Palladium Pro

  500. PandoBar

  501. Panic Protector

  502. Panicprotector

  503. PAntispyware09

  504. PAntispyware 09

  505. Paper Picker

  506. Paretologic

  507. Partner

  508. pasderreurs

  509. pasdesfautes

  510. pasdesmenaces

  511. pasendommagement

  512. pasplusdespertes

  513. pasplusdevirus

  514. PassFox

  515. PassWidget

  516. Password Inspector

  517. Password Manager

  518. PasswordInspector

  519. Passwords

  520. PathMaxx

  521. PatSearch

  522. PaybyAds

  523. Pc-Antispyware

  524. Pc-Cleaner

  525. PC-Prot

  526. PC Accelerateur

  527. PC AdWare SpyWare Removal

  528. PC Antispyware 2010

  529. PC Beskyttelse

  530. PC Cleaner

  531. PC Cleaner 2014

  532. PC Defender 2008

  533. PC Defender 360

  534. PC Defender Plus

  535. PC Detox

  536. PC DoorGuard

  537. PC Error Eliminator

  538. PC Health Plan

  539. PC Performer

  540. PC Protection Center 2008

  541. PC Repair

  542. PC Repair Utility

  543. PC Security 2009

  544. Pc Security Test

  545. Pc Security Test 2005

  546. Pc Security Test 2006

  547. Pc Security Test 2007

  548. PC Sikkerhed

  549. PC Speed Max

  550. PC Speed Maximizer

  551. PC SuperCharger

  552. PC SuperCharger 2004

  553. PC ToolWorks 2003

  554. PC Tune Up

  555. PC Virusless

  556. PCAccelerateur

  557. PCAccelerateurA

  558. PCAntiMalware

  559. PCAntiSpyware

  560. PCAntivirenLoesung

  561. pcantiviruspro

  562. PCArmor

  563. pcassertor

  564. PCBeskyttelse

  565. PCBeveiligingssysteem

  566. pcbewaker

  567. pcboosterpro

  568. pcbunan

  569. PCClean

  570. PCCleaner

  571. PCCleaner 2007

  572. PCCleanerPlus

  573. PCCleanerPro

  574. PCDefender

  575. PCDJ

  576. pceternel

  577. PCFixSpeed

  578. Pcforbedring

  579. pcforfender

  580. PCFresher

  581. Pchealthadvisor

  582. pchealthkeeper

  583. PCHealthPlan

  584. Pcheck

  585. pchjaelper

  586. pcinforedder

  587. pclibredevirus

  588. Pclyftare

  589. PCMightyMax

  590. PCODEC

  591. pcohnespuren

  592. PCOnPoint

  593. Pcoppdrettere

  594. PCOptimizerPro

  595. pcOrion

  596. PCPerformer

  597. PCPowerSpeed

  598. PCPrivacyCleaner

  599. PCPrivacyDefender

  600. PCPrivacyTool

  601. PcRaiser

  602. pcredskab

  603. PCRegistryCleaner

  604. PCRegistryShield

  605. PCRengoringsmaskine

  606. PCRescue

  607. Pcreveil

  608. PCRx

  609. PCSafe

  610. PCSafe Adware Filter

  611. PCSafe AdwareFilter

  612. PCSafe Security Center

  613. PCSafe Security Center Adware Filter

  614. PCSafe Security Center AdwareFilter

  615. Pcsamensteller

  616. pcsansbug

  617. Pcscattista

  618. pcsecuresystem

  619. pcsecurise

  620. PCSegura

  621. pcsentineru

  622. pcsiemprenueva

  623. PCSikker

  624. PCSikkerhed

  625. PCSleek Error Cleaner

  626. PCSod

  627. PCSpeedClean

  628. PCSpeedMaster

  629. PCSpeedMax

  630. PCSpeedMaximizer

  631. PCSpeedUp

  632. PCSuanBukkon

  633. PCSystemSchutz

  634. PCTechHotline

  635. pctoolpro

  636. PcTurboPro

  637. pcultralimpia

  638. PCUtilityKit

  639. pcveiligheidstool

  640. PCVirusless

  641. pcvirussweeper

  642. PDF Performer

  643. PDFCreator toolbar

  644. PDFSuite toolbar

  645. PDFtoWordConverter

  646. pdgate

  647. Peak Protection 2010

  648. PembersihKomputer

  649. PennyBee

  650. PepperZip

  651. Perfect Codec

  652. Perfect Defender 2009

  653. Perfect Optimizer

  654. Perfect Uninstaller

  655. PerfectCleaner

  656. PerfectDefender2009

  657. PerfectOptimizer

  658. PerfectUninstaller

  659. perfektantivirus

  660. Performancekoujou

  661. PerformanceOptimizer

  662. PerformerSoft

  663. PerformWeb

  664. PerformWeb App

  665. Personal Antispy

  666. Personal Antivirus

  667. Personal Defender 2009

  668. Personal Protector

  669. Personal Protector 2013

  670. Personal Protector 2014

  671. Personal Shield Pro

  672. PersonalAntispy

  673. PersonalAntivirus

  674. personalityprotector

  675. Pest-Patrol

  676. Pest Detector 4.1

  677. Pest Trap

  678. PestBot

  679. PestCapture

  680. PestProtector

  681. PestSweeper

  682. PestTrap

  683. PestWiper

  684. PhotoPos toolbar

  685. PhraseFinder

  686. PicColor

  687. PicRec

  688. PicsFactory

  689. Pine Tree

  690. Piolet toolbar

  691. PirritSuggestor

  692. Plasmoo

  693. Platamoose

  694. PlatteFehlerfrei

  695. PlayMP3z

  696. PlayNowRadio

  697. Playtopus

  698. Plimus

  699. PlumoWeb

  700. PlurPush

  701. Plus Sales

  702. PlusHD

  703. PlusNetwork

  704. PlusVid

  705. PlusWinks toolbar

  706. PlusYouGbar toolbar

  707. PlutoAntivirus

  708. Png2Image

  709. PNGConvert

  710. PodoWeb

  711. Pointstone Registry Cleaner

  712. Pop-Up Blocker

  713. Pop Wash

  714. Popcornew

  715. Popup Guard

  716. Popup Protector

  717. PopupEclair

  718. Popupprotector

  719. PornMag Pass

  720. PornoPlayer

  721. PornPass Manager

  722. PortaldoSites

  723. poseidonantivirus

  724. PositiveFinds

  725. poupememoria

  726. Power Antivirus 2009

  727. PowerCodec

  728. Powertools lite 2010

  729. Powertools lite 2011

  730. Powertools lite 2012

  731. Powertools lite 2013

  732. Powertools lite 2014

  733. PP-Total

  734. PredictAd

  735. PreizeCoupon

  736. PremierOpinion

  737. preservingtool

  738. Price Chomper

  739. Price Clip

  740. Price Slayer

  741. PriceChop

  742. PriceDownloader

  743. PriceGong

  744. PriceHorse

  745. PriceLess

  746. PriceMeter

  747. PricePeep

  748. PriceSparrow

  749. PricesSparrow toolbar

  750. Pricora

  751. Primary Color

  752. privacidadconductor

  753. PrivacidadeProtegida

  754. privacidadgarantizada

  755. privacidadyseguridad

  756. Privacy Center

  757. Privacy Champion

  758. Privacy Commander

  759. Privacy Components

  760. Privacy Crusader

  761. Privacy Defender

  762. Privacy Fusion

  763. Privacy Keeper

  764. Privacy Protection

  765. Privacy Protection Suite

  766. Privacy Protector

  767. Privacy Protector 2004

  768. Privacy Redeemer

  769. Privacy Tools 2004

  770. Privacy Tools Pack

  771. PrivacyCenter

  772. PrivacyCommander

  773. PrivacyConductor

  774. PrivacyControls

  775. PrivacyCrusader

  776. PrivacyFusion

  777. PrivacyGuarantor

  778. PrivacyGuardPro

  779. PrivacyKit

  780. PrivacyProtector

  781. privacyredder

  782. PrivacyRedeemer

  783. PrivacySolution

  784. privacywaker

  785. privacywarrior

  786. PrivacyWatcher

  787. Private Anonymous Search

  788. Private secure anonymous search

  789. Privatelee.com

  790. Privatelee.com Hijacker

  791. Privatelee.com Pop-Up Ads

  792. Privatelee

  793. PrivateVideo

  794. privatsicherer

  795. PrivitizeVPN

  796. Pro Antispyware 2009

  797. ProAntiSpy

  798. ProbitSoftware

  799. Products Checker

  800. ProductSetup

  801. ProgSense

  802. ProShopper

  803. protecaoconfiavel

  804. Proteccion Confiable

  805. proteccionasegurada

  806. proteccioncompleta

  807. Proteccionconfiable

  808. proteccionimperial

  809. Protect Your Identity

  810. ProtectedBrowsing

  811. ProtectedSearch

  812. protecteurdinfo

  813. ProtectExtension

  814. ProtectingTool

  815. Protection Field

  816. Protection System

  817. protectionassuree

  818. ProtectionBar

  819. protectionconue

  820. protectiondedriver

  821. protectiondenetsurfage

  822. ProtectionField

  823. protectionroom

  824. ProtectOn

  825. Protector Suite

  826. ProtectorSuite

  827. ProtectSols

  828. proteggidati

  829. ProtejaseuDrive

  830. ProtejasuDrive

  831. protezioneesperta

  832. protezionefidata

  833. ProtezioneSoft

  834. Proxomoto

  835. Proxy

  836. PsdChecker

  837. PsdToPng

  838. PSGuard

  839. PSGuard Spyware Remover

  840. pulituraestrema

  841. PulituraSystem

  842. puraibashihosho

  843. puraibashimaneja

  844. puraibashitoshinrai

  845. PureSafetyHere

  846. PurityScan

  847. PurityScan - PuritySweep

  848. PuritySweep

  849. PutLocker

  850. PyroAntiSpy

  851. PyroAntiSpy 2.2

  852. Qone8

  853. Qoologic

  854. qrobe.it

  855. QTbar toolbar

  856. QTTabBar toolbar

  857. QUAD Registry Cleaner

  858. QUADRegistryCleaner

  859. Qualitink

  860. Quality Codec

  861. Quality Score

  862. QualityCodec

  863. Quebles toolbar

  864. QueryExplorer

  865. QuestBrowse

  866. QuestDns

  867. QuestResult

  868. QuestScan

  869. Quick Surf

  870. QuickCet

  871. QuickCleaner

  872. QuickInstallPack

  873. quicknavigate.com

  874. QuickRef

  875. QuickShare

  876. QuickShop

  877. QuickSidebar toolbar

  878. QuickStart

  879. QuickStores toolbar

  880. QuiKnowledge

  881. QuikShield

  882. Qvo6

  883. QWO

  884. qzgate

  885. Rabio

  886. Rad Rater

  887. RadioPlayer toolbar

  888. RadioRage toolbar

  889. RadioTV toolbar

  890. RadSteroids

  891. RAM Saver Pro

  892. RamBoost

  893. RamBooster

  894. RamLib

  895. RandomCoupon

  896. RandomDealApp

  897. RandomPrice

  898. Rango Win 8 Antispyware 2014

  899. raoccKKetSale

  900. Rapid Antivirus 2009

  901. RapidAntivirus

  902. Rapidyweb

  903. RaptorDefence

  904. Raze Spyware

  905. RazeSpyware

  906. Razoss

  907. Re-Markable

  908. ReadyCoupon

  909. Real AdWareRemoverGold

  910. Real AntiSpyware

  911. Real Antivirus

  912. Real InternetSurveys.com

  913. RealaDeal

  914. RealAV

  915. RealBoan

  916. RealDeal

  917. RebateInformer

  918. RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover

  919. RecFree toolbar

  920. RechercheFrance toolbar

  921. RecordNRip

  922. Red Cross Antivirus

  923. ReducBarre toolbar

  924. Reg organizer

  925. Reg Sweep

  926. RegAceSystemSuite

  927. RegBlock

  928. RegBotemedel

  929. RegClean

  930. RegClean Pro

  931. Regclean Pro Registry Optimizer

  932. RegCleaner

  933. RegCleanPro

  934. RegCompact Pro

  935. RegCure

  936. RegCure Paretologic

  937. RegCure Paretologic Regcure

  938. RegCure Paretologic RegistryHeal

  939. RegCure Pro

  940. RegCurePro

  941. RegDefense

  942. RegFix Pro

  943. RegFreeze

  944. RegHunter

  945. Registry clean Expert

  946. Registry Cleaner

  947. Registry Cleaner Paretologic

  948. Registry Cleaner (System Ninja)

  949. Registry Crawler

  950. Registry Defender

  951. Registry Defender Platinum

  952. Registry Distiller

  953. Registry Doc 2006

  954. Registry Doctor

  955. Registry Doctor 2008

  956. Registry Doctor 2009

  957. Registry Doktor

  958. Registry Easy

  959. Registry First Aid

  960. Registry First Aid Platinum

  961. Registry Fix

  962. Registry Fix It

  963. Registry Fixer de Pimasoft

  964. Registry Fixer de SS-Tools

  965. Registry Life

  966. Registry mecanic

  967. Registry Optimizer 2007

  968. Registry Recycler

  969. Registry Repair 2006

  970. Registry Repair par Glarysoft's

  971. Registry Repair par Systweak

  972. Registry Smart

  973. Registry Trash Keys Finder

  974. RegistryBooster

  975. RegistryBot

  976. RegistryCare

  977. RegistryCleaner

  978. RegistryCleaner - Glary Utilities

  979. RegistryCleaner - Knots.Performance

  980. RegistryCleanerKit

  981. RegistryCleanerTrial

  982. RegistryCleanerXP

  983. RegistryCleanFix

  984. RegistryCleanFixer

  985. RegistryClear

  986. RegistryDefender

  987. RegistryDoctor2008

  988. RegistryDoktor

  989. RegistryDr

  990. RegistryFix

  991. RegistryFixer

  992. RegistryFox

  993. RegistryGreat

  994. RegistryHelper

  995. RegistryPowerCleaner

  996. RegistryRepair par Systweak

  997. RegistryReviver

  998. RegistrySmart

  999. RegistrySweeper

  1000. RegistryTool

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